Cheque and receipt books

A normal cheque or receipt book is a series of printed documents or items (orders, delivery notes, invoices, receipts, raffle tickets, tickets, cheques, etc.), grouped in a block of a certain number of sheets prepared for delivery, sale or distribution.

Many of these elements can also be grouped in the form of a copy receipt book (forms) where the elements are printed on copy paper (original plus one or several copies).

Copy or carbon paper is a type of paper that contains microcapsules of a chemical agent on one or both sides which when reacted via pressure with agent of the adjacent side prints black strokes; its intensity varies according to the pressure exerted.


Due to their portable concept, cheque and receipt books must be printed in a format that is practical for use. It is most common to find cheque and receipt books in small formats: A4, A5, A6, 100x65 mm, 120x175 mm, 110x150 mm, 210x220 mm... Although they can actually be custom made in any size without any problem.


The printed elements on cheque and receipt books can be printed on one or both sides in one of the following ways:

  • colour (four-colour)
  • in black
  • in two colours
  • in Pantone colours
  • a combination of all of them

This product allows us to print variable data on each of the pages, which normally consists of numbering, although it is also possible to print elements such as barcodes.

Normal cheque and receipt book medium

There are multiple media suitable for printing normal cheque and receipt books, although the most commonly used are offset, coated, recycled or laid paper...


The books or blocks are basically finished in two different ways:

  • Gluing: The elements that make up the block are joined together on one of the sides with a special glue to ensure that the pages remain together and at the same time it is easy to remove the elements from the block one by one.
  • With staple: The elements remain together in the block thanks to one or several staples placed on one of the sides.

In these cases it is quite common for the cheque or receipt book or block to be composed of 2 parts: a main part corresponding to the items to be handed over and another part called the stub that is kept as proof of delivery.
Between them there is a perforated line, to be able to tear off the main element from its stub.

Type of Cover

Normal cheque or receipt book: Normally we will bind it by placing a single cover on top and as a base we will use cardboard to protect it.

Copy receipt book It can also have a single cover and cardboard or wrap-around cardboard, which is used to place under the carbon sheets to easily fill out the information only marking the pages we require and thus protecting the rest of the pages in the receipt book.

Copy receipt book medium

For copy books, the type of paper is totally different.

Copy paper is the term we use for paper coated with chemical products that allows it to print on the copy sheets everything we write on the original sheet.
That is, it is composed of an original paper (usually white) and its respective copies (available in different colours: yellow, blue, pink and green)

Copy paper has 3 different types of copy sheets:

  • CB (Coated Back) or first sheet: Original sheets. The sheet where we write the data.
  • CFB (Coated Front & Back) or second sheet: Middle copy sheets containing a microcapsule emulsion with developing particles that receive information from the original sheets and in turn transfer information to the final copies.
    The sets can contain one or several middle sheets of this type.
  • CF (Coated Front) or third sheet: Sheets of final copies. These only receive information from the original sheet or the middle sheets. They have no capacity to transfer information.

The weights for the copy paper vary widely, although it is normal to use 60-gram copy paper and, occasionally, 80 and 170 grams.


For a receipt book to be practical it is advisable to correctly calculate the number of sheets we are going to place in the block.

In normal receipt books, it is most common to make receipt books of 25, 50 or 100 sheets grouped in a block depending on the weight we are using.

In copy receipt books, it is most common is to make receipt books of 25, 50 or 100 sheets grouped in a block.

If the block requires a stub, it is best to opt for a stapled block. Otherwise glued blocks are a convenient, clean and easy to use system.

In copy receipt books it is advisable to study the number of copies we may need and choose white for the original using different colours for each of the copies.

In the case of copy elements, we can also request the manufacture of the sets of copies separately instead of in receipt books, if necessary (sets sold separately).